Vangjush Saro
Writer and Journalist
The writer and publicist Vangjush Saro completed his high school studies at "Raqi Qirinxhi" in Korçë, while his higher education was carried out at the University of Tirana. In 1985, he also completed postgraduate studies at the Academy of Arts and the former Kinostudio "Shqipëria e re." Among his notable books are: the short story collections "Dy orë dramaturg", "Biri i ambasadorit", and "Rrëfime nga shkolla ime"; the novellas "Një ditë pa mamin", "Polic Këmbëvogli", "Aventurat e Don Kishotit në Shqipëri", as well as the novels "Kurora e Ballkanit" and "Misioni".
One of the author’s favorite genres is the fable; some of his publications in this field include: "Dhelpra shpërblen Lepurin", "Trumcaku ftillon Ferrën","Gomar apo Kaproll?", "E dashur Dhelpër"!, and "Drenusha që humbi rrugën".
Vangjush Saro is also the author of the film comedy "Shkëlqim i përkohshëm"; he has written scripts for documentary and animated films, literary criticism, and journalism. Some of his works have been published in foreign languages: L'Âne et le Chevreuil ("Gomari dhe Kaprolli"), "Dear Fox!", "The Boy who Became a Balloon" ("Djali që u bë tullumbace"), One "Day without Mom" ("Një ditë pa mamin"), "Where to?" ("Për ku?"), and others.
His work has attracted the attention of the public and literary critics. Vangjush Saro has worked as a teacher and journalist. He is an Honorary Citizen of Gramsh, holds the "Naim Frashëri" Order (Class III), and has received the Career Award from the newspaper Telegraf. He has also won national awards for the short story collection "Biri i ambasadorit" and the novel "Polic Këmbëvogli". He currently lives in Vancouver, Canada.